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What is Benenden Giving Day?
A 36-hour fundraising initiative, bringing together all members of the wider Benenden community; parents (current and former), Seniors, staff and Honorary Seniors, students and Friends of the School to take part in a variety of fun challenges and activities in celebration of our Be the Change bursary and partnerships initiative.
What are we fundraising for?
All donations are an important contribution towards our Be the Change initiative. Be the Change seeks to triple the number of fully-funded bursary places that we are able to offer, currently standing at eight, so that by the end of Benenden’s centenary year in 2023-24, we will have 24 bursary funded students in the School at any given time. The initiative also aims to broaden and deepen the impact of our celebrated partnerships programme.
What are bursaries?
Means-tested financial support, benefitting students who would not otherwise be able to afford an education at Benenden and for whom such support will be truly transformative. Benenden awards up to 110% of fees, so that bursary pupils can experience all aspects of a Benenden education, with the additional funds covering School uniforms, educational trips and other ongoing learning and living expenses. The Be the Change initiative focuses exclusively on providing fully-funded awards to deserving pupils.
How are the students involved?
Benenden Giving Day 2022 has challenged students to compete in a number of challenges within their Lower School Boarding Houses. Students will be taking part in activities, celebrating our school community, whilst also unlocking vital funds towards our truly transformative bursary and partnerships initiative.
Battle of the House Bands
Throughout November, Houses have been challenged to take part in the Battle of the House Bands competition. Students have been teaching other members of their House how to play a new instrument for the first time (including House staff), choosing a song and producing a video of their newly learnt performance. All students have taken part in one way or another; music selection, costume design, teaching an instrument, performing and singing, becoming a brand representative or filming and editing their video performance submission.
Sustainability Challenge
Every Boarding House has been challenged to reduce their energy and water consumption during the week in the lead up to Giving Day. Students have been challenged to focus on their levels of sustainability throughout the week, being more conscious of their usages as we strive to ‘be the change’. Each House will be taking part by turning lights off when not in use, not leaving electricals on or on standby, turning off switches and appliances, being aware of cycles of dishwashers and laundry machines and generally reducing their usage during this week. The overall school reduction in consumption will go towards Giving Day totals, unlocking further funds towards funding more bursary awards for future Benenden students.
The Partnerships Pentathlon
Benenden’s bursary and partnerships programme is the heart of this Giving Day. To celebrate the work of our partnership programme, we are challenging members of each House to complete The Partnerships Pentathlon – a distance led competition, visiting each of Benenden’s local partnership organisations. Students will compete together as a House to accumulate the distance in mileage between each of our partnership locations. Students can accumulate these miles by rowing, cycling, swimming, running or walking. Each time the equivalent distance in mileage of a partnership location is reached, further funds will be unlocked by students towards their House Giving Day leader board total.
What is Matched Funding and what are Challenges?
We are incredibly fortunate that a group of current Patrons of the Benenden Society have generously contributed to create a pot of money that can be unlocked by donors who give towards certain Giving Day Challenges. For example, by being one of the first ten donors to contribute toward the Hemsted House challenge you will help to unlock a further £1,000 contribution.
Why donate on Giving Day?
Without your support, we wouldn't be able to achieve our goal to expand our bursaries and partnerships provision. In addition, due to the kindness of a small number of Patrons who have contributed to create a significant matched fund, during this limited time your gift can be as much as doubled, heightening the value of your donation and the impact of your generosity.
Can I choose which area my donation supports?
All donations made through the Giving Day website will be directed to the Be the Change bursary and partnerships initiative. If you would like to support another aspect of the School’s development strategy, please contact us at giving.day@benenden.school.
Is it safe to make my gift online?
Yes, all payments through our Giving Day website are securely processed by Stripe.
Can I make my gift recurring and become a regular supporter of Be the Change?
Yes. Please check the tick box on our donation form which reads: “I want to make this a regular direct debit.” One year of your regular gift will be counted towards this year’s Giving Day total and the yearly total will appear on the Giving Day website.
Can I claim Gift Aid on this donation?
Yes. So long as you have paid as much Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax as the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations in that tax year, the school can reclaim the basic tax rate (25%) on your gift, with no extra cost to you. So, your donation of £100 will actually be worth £125 to the School.
Will my giving day contribution be tax-deductible?
UK: If you’re in the UK and eligible for Gift Aid, Benenden School can claim 25% back in tax from your donation. If you’re a Higher Rate Tax Payer (40% and above), you can claim tax back on your charitable donations at the end of the tax year. Benenden School is a registered charity number 307854.
USA: Your gift is tax-deductible - when making a donation, just select ‘Donate in USD’. You will receive an email confirmation and tax-receipt.
Can I see my gift on the Giving Day website?
Yes. If you have not chosen to make your gift anonymous, you can look at our virtual donor wall to see your name and message.
What are my options if I don't want to give online?
There are two options for those who would prefer not to give online.
We ask that you either email us on giving.day@benenden.school or call us on 01580 236891 to let us know that you are donating so we can add your contribution to the event totals.
I can’t donate, but I want to help. What else can I do?
Spread the word about Giving Day to your Benenden School contacts! Tell your friends, peers and Benenden networks about Giving Day using social media, email, phone and do so in person. Be sure to use the #BenendenGivingDay hashtag in related social media posts in order to join the conversation!
Still have questions?
Please get in touch with the Benenden School Development Office via email on giving.day@benenden.school or call us on 01580 236891.